Swedish Cuisine: Löjrom (Bleak Roe)

Löjrom (Bleak Roe or Kalix Caviar) is a Swedish delicacy that is often found on menus in Sweden year round... but during the end of September and beginning of October is when you can get löjrom at its freshest! It is the roe from the whitefish bleak/vendace that is harvested during their spawning season (starting middle of September and 5 weeks on) in northern Sweden along the shores of the Gulf of Bothnia. It is golden orange in color and has a mild and elegant flavor. The most common way löjrom is served is with creme fraiche, diced red onion & chives, a slice of lemon, a dill sprig and either toasted bread or blini. You will also often find löjrom as a garnish (on Toast Skagen for example) or in sauces. Many restaurants will incorporate the delicious fish eggs into their menus this time of year as löjrom is at its freshest. What to drink with löjrom? A nice, crisp white wine or champagne is perfect!
You will find löjrom on the menu at most restaurants serving Swedish cuisine... some good choices are Lisa Elmqvist in the Östermalm's Saluhall, Sturehof or Riche. But if you are staying at the hotel then you don't have to go far... löjrom is on the menu in our Bistro Rival!

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